One of our favorite campaigns was for a few events during the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival.  We stayed for 2 nights with Aston at the Whaler, enjoyed the Myths of Maui Luau, did the Sheraton’s Spiked event, and participated with our kids at Keiki in the Kitchen the next day.  We accomplished quite a bit in the 2.5 days we stayed on the west side of Maui, Hawaii.

Video Views

These are how many video views we had in the first 2 weeks from the beginning of the event.  We likely reached over 1 million people with our posts, and will continue to reach visitors for as long as we keep our article and videos alive.

Instagram Feed

Instagram Stories


Photo, Video, Story

Professional Photographer, Experienced Videographer, and Writing from the Heart

Our Followers

We have well over 1 million total followers! (last updated March 2022)

 Most of our followers are for the island of Maui, but we have strength growing with our Oahu followers and even Bali followers.

We also have many strong visitor websites that share information about all the major Hawaiian Islands. 

Our growth is slow and stead because we believe in building a community of target visitors that are devoted to Hawaii.  It's working!

Let us share your business or event with our dedicated audience of Hawaii lovers.

  • Facebook Pages - 600,271
  • Instagram Accounts - 174,464
  • Twitter Accounts - 45,280
  • Newsletter Subscribers - 24,759
  • Other Platform Followers - 76,910


Give us a shout.

Why no form to fill out? 

This site gets hit hard every day with visitors (as well as scammers.) We think putting an email in your hands is better than allowing robots a chance to break us.  Simple is good!